Gain a better understanding of the basics of federal award management expectations.
Receiving federal grants and cooperative agreements provide a tremendous source of revenue for many organizations, but carries a significant level of compliance requirement and, potentially, risk if managed incorrectly. This presentation will help individuals involved in pursuing and managing federal awards understand the requirements of the Uniform Guidance. The topic will focus on common challenges and risk areas associated with the Uniform Guidance requirements and help flush out the nuances of effectively managing grant awards. This presentation will help federal funding recipients proactively manage compliance and reduce the risk associated with audit findings, including questioned costs, and enhance documentation and support of costs charged to federal funds.
Date: 2023-04-28 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe the applicability and structure of the Uniform Guidance for federal funding recipients.
* You will be able to discuss common areas of risks and challenges in administering funding subject to the Uniform Guidance.
* You will be able to review existing policies and processes for compliance gaps.
* You will be able to identify best practices and techniques for enhancing compliance.