Failure to comply with the DavisBacon Act can have dire consequences make sure you are compliant.Gain valuable insight into recent changes to and developments with the federal prevailing wage law (Davis Bacon Related Acts DBRA). Prevailing wage requirements can be nuanced and confusing. Unfortunately, seemingly minor missteps can lead to substantial and crippling liability. You will learn sensible strategies to limit liability and increase competitiveness when bidding on prevailing wage projects. Our speaker has substantial realworld experience defending companies during prevailing wage audits and litigation under the DBRA. In addition, our speaker’s active involvement with legislation and enforcement developments allows him to offer key insights into unique issues and difficulties facing contractors. There will be time for questions and answers to ensure each participant can address specific scenarios to enter the bidding season with confidence and the knowhow to bid, secure, and perform on prevailing wage projects in full compliance with the law.
Date: 2022-03-09 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives