Preventing Insider Fraud, Expense Cheating, and Embezzlement


SKU: 410089


Learn to prevent and address fraud, embezzlement, and expense account fraud.
Employees, like others, commit fraud and embezzlement, for example, when they perceive they can. In this regard, employees are often in the best position to appreciate where internal controls and organizational oversight do not capture risk or are insufficient to prevent fraud, expense account abuse, and embezzlement. Organizations will also do well to remember that the highestpaid employees often have the least oversight and the ability to spend funds.
This program will cover how organizations can prevent and address fraud, embezzlement, and expense account fraud. Among the topics to be discussed are effective employment screening, use of hotlines, the role of internal audits, reporting to the Board, relying (or not) on financial statement audits by outside accountants, getting appropriate insurance fidelity and cybercrime, assessing ownership of devices, pros and cons of contacting law enforcement, performing due diligence, and using outside firms to support your organization if there are insufficient internal resources and knowledge to address control failures.

Date: 2022-11-08 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to identify common insider threats facing organizations.

* You will be able to discuss the value of training and a code of conduct.

* You will be able to describe reporting tools available to identify threats and reduce risks.

* You will be able to explain key methods of preventing and addressing fraud and embezzlement.

Common Insider Threats Facing Organizations

Recognizing the Dangers – Vendors, Executives, Employees, and Others

Value of Training and a Code of Conduct

Case Studies – Weaknesses in Controls

Prevention and Identification of Threats

Reporting Tools (Hotlines, Internal Audit, External Audits)

Background Checks – Effective or Not?

Due Diligence on Third Parties

Embezzlement of Monies and Goods

Bidding and Other Vendor Fraud

Physical Security and Internal Controls

Why Small Organizations Suffer Losses More Often

How Employees Find Loopholes

Expense Account Fraud, Travel, and Entertainment Violations

Performing Investigations and Resolving Problems

Whether to Notify Law Enforcement

ACFE ,CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Jeffrey M. Klink-Klink & Co., Inc.