Gain valuable instruction on applying lean methodologies in commercial design and construction.Over the past 50 years, the design and construction industry has maintained a flat or declining level of productivity, while productivity in every other nonagricultural industry has doubled. Seventy percent of commercial construction projects are delivered over budget, over schedule, or both. We are members of a broken industry, and it is time we learned a new way of doing things. Lean principles of continuous improvement, respect for people, waste identification and elimination, value creation, and collaboration have been adapted to the design and construction industry to help us do just that. This material will provide valuable instruction on applying lean methodologies in commercial design and construction. You will acquire a foundational understanding of the structure, vocabulary, and operation of a lean project, as well as a basic understanding of the typical tools employed to create a lean environment, such as target value delivery, big room methodology, and the Last Planner system.
Date: 2024-08-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives