Understand the issues that must be considered when creating a sound privacy policy.Employee rights to privacy at work has always been an issue for employers. Whether the issues are searching employees’ desks, monitoring the keystrokes while working, or using GPS to track where they are driving company vehicles, employers have always balanced the need to know for business reasons with respecting employees’ privacy. With the events in recent months, we have seen even more complicated issues arise as employees also exercise their constitutional rights outside of the workplace. This topic will help those who are responsible for making policy decisions for the workplace that impact the privacy of employees understand the issues that must be considered to create sound policies. In order to properly disclaim privacy rights in the workplace, employers must first understand the boundaries of what is allowed and what isn’t. This information is critical for employers so they can ensure their policies achieve the goals of limiting privacy rights where they can and stay in compliance with federal and state laws in this area.
Date: 2021-01-13 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives