Take charge of your workday and replace bad habits with more productive ones to increase efficiency.The core elements of being more productive and efficient hinge on work output and time. That being said, there are only so many hours in the day, so making the most of your time is critical. That means that you either need to work more hours or work smarter. To most people, working more hours is not their first choice. They choose to be more efficient by controlling their work environment to manage their work output better. Developing a more streamlined and effective way of managing your workrelated tasks doesn’t just make you more productive it also leaves you with more time to spend improving yourself or just relaxing.Imagine closing the workday with the satisfaction of knowing that you had accomplished everything that you set out to accomplish that day and knowing that you have achieved your task both efficiently and effectively. High productivity at the workplace is a sign of a healthy business and work culture. Productivity will increase when you are happy, supported, and have the right equipment to perform your task. Most of us aren’t as productive as we would like to be. We often find ourselves distracted and tend to be reactive instead of proactive when working towards our goals. And of course, there is always a crisis or a fire to be extinguished that derails our welllaid plans. The solution is not always easy. It requires us to replace our bad habits and reactive patterns with good habits and strategies that make us more productive.This course will help you take charge of your workday and replace bad habits with more productive ones to increase your efficiency so you can be your most productive self at work. Making small changes to habits will drastically improve your level of productivity and efficiency. This will allow you to get more quality work done in less time.
Date: 2022-03-30 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives