Explore delivery options and project characteristics to help you select the optimal delivery system to achieve your project goals.Efforts to improve performance for project delivery embrace many aspects of the process. Goals include enhanced efficiency and productivity, optimization of cost and delivery time, improved performance, and changes in attitude promoting a team approach and focusing on the end user as a valued customer. A key facet of this comprehensive effort is the ongoing development of project delivery systems designed to improve quality, save time, manage risk, and ultimately provide better performing projects at optimal cost.The development of alternative delivery methods in the U.S. construction industry is driven by more than the desire for improved performance. In a climate of limited funds and smaller government, public owners in particular must do more with less. Both public and private owners are increasingly turning to contracting and delivery methods designed to reduce project delivery time and to shift more responsibility for workmanship and quality to the private sector. Alternative methods to deliver and manage projects have fundamentally changed the way business is conducted. Their use has in some cases resulted in dramatic improvements in project performance, but not without risks and challenges. This program explores a process to select the optimal project delivery system for a project. It considers delivery system types, project goals and characteristics, risk allocation, and tools to select the best delivery system for your project.
Date: 2024-10-22 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives