Gain an understanding of project management best practices to avoid the top causes of project failure.
Lets face it we are all managing projects every day They may be simple or complicated, but undoubtedly you are managing projects within your role. You dont need to be a project manager to learn how to manage your projects effectively and efficiently. This presentation will provide some of the best practices for managing projects regardless of their size or complexity. Attendees will learn about a range of tools, techniques, and best practices to enable participants to more effectively and efficiently, manage their projects. As the saying goes the only constant is change. Change is the heart of project management whether you are developing a new product, service, result, or process. It is imperative that employees understand the concepts of project management and how project management best practices can advance their individual careers and the success of their organizations.
Date: 2023-10-24 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives