Become familiar with best practices regarding the design and maintenance of rainwater harvesting systems.Many design teams are tasked with providing a rainwater harvesting system and often do not understand or have experience with the variety of codes, equipment, and multiple disciplines they may need to interface to get to an effective and costeffective solution. They often think of the system as simply a tank and do not understand the fundamental components required to meet most plumbing or irrigation enduse water quality standards. This topic will help you create a basis of design to establish a system size and develop the primary pieces of equipment in a system. We will review system standards, codes, and maintenance of a welldesigned rainwater system along with lessons learned and things to avoid. This course will highlight the integration of the rainwater harvesting system into the overall site development and stormwater management plan with a few case studies from different parts of the country.
Date: 2022-01-25 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives