Learn to recognize the best approaches to coaching and mentoring your top talent.Recognizing and developing an organization’s future leaders can bring about numerous benefits for the organization. It can help build a strong foundation for longterm success and position the organization for sustained growth and prosperity. These benefits include improved employee engagement and retention, better succession planning, improved decisionmaking, and an enhanced reputation.It is the senior leadership’s responsibility to invest, develop and grow future organizational leaders. This will ensure that those leaders are adequately equipped to inspire, motivate, and engage the workforce. Constructing a solid framework for leadership development is the muchneeded answer to achieving organizational goals. Getting the best out of your workforce starts with ensuring that leaders have the proficiencies to make this happen. Good leadership develops through a neverending process of selfstudy, education, training, experience, observation, and emulation.This presentation will focus on recognizing and developing future leaders in your organization as an important aspect of organizational growth and success. The discussion will demonstrate that a systematic and enduring effort to develop future leaders is a source of competitive advantage that can be brought to life only if the executive leadership of the organization sees it as an integral part of their responsibility.
Date: 2023-06-20 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives