Reducing Discrimination


SKU: 411113


In todays increasingly diverse workforce, it is imperative to appropriately train employees to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
Most of us are not as competent as we need to be in our interactions with people, we perceive ourselves to be culturally different. Strategies learned in this training seek to influence the behaviors of individuals, including the motivation and capability to influence others and not be limited to efforts to increase knowledge and awareness. The influence of social norms is powerful, and longlasting changes in beliefs about outgroups will occur only if they are supported by changes in social norms. Prejudice and discrimination thrive in environments in which they are perceived to be the norm, but they die when the existing social norms do not allow them. And because social norms are so important, the behavior of individuals can help create or reduce prejudice and discrimination. Discrimination, prejudice, and even hate crimes will be more likely to continue if people do not respond to or confront them when they occur. Learn numerous effective interventions to promote behaviors that contribute to an environment where we are actively engaging in efforts to value all points of view and walks of life with the end goal of a diverse workforce, and an inclusive attitude free of prejudices and biases examined.

Date: 2023-12-15 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 1:50 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to recognize the importance of cultural competence in interactions with individuals perceived to be culturally different.

* You will be able to examine the powerful influence of social norms on individual behaviors.

* You will be able to explore how prejudice and discrimination thrive in environments where they are perceived as the norm.

* You will be able to understand that individual actions play a crucial role in preventing the continuation of discriminatory behaviors.

Recognizing Our Responsibility for Promoting Equality and Diversity

Fostering a Safe Environment

Recognize the Essential Characteristics of Inclusivity

Supporting Intergroup Contact and Creating Opportunity for It

Participating in Reducing Discrimination and Harassment

Becoming an Ally to Support Those in the Workplace

Raise Awareness for Critical, Company-Specific Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Goals

ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Ria Dark-2Rogues