Gain an understanding on the new SEC guidance due to COVID19 and how to disclose its effects on your company.The current pandemic caused by COVID19 has major implications for public companies under the federal securities laws. These implications include the appropriate disclosures to be made regarding the effect of the virus on company operations, relief provided by the SEC on the timing of required filings such as the Annual Report on Form 10K and the Quarterly Report on Form 10Q when a timely filing under current rules cannot be made because of the virus, whether annual or special shareholder meetings should be held, and what types of disclosure and guidance does the SEC staff have for either holding or postponing a public company meeting. These and other issues will be discussed in light of current SEC rules, official SEC pronouncements and SEC staff guidelines as to how a public company may comply with the federal securities laws in unprecedented economic and social conditions.
Date: 2020-04-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives