Gain a clear understanding of the employees that are impacted by the new DOL regulations and the steps to remain compliant with the FLSA.New legislation will significantly expand the scope of nonexempt employees under the FLSA. Specifically, the salary threshold for most exempt employees will increase by nearly 25 on July 1, 2024 and then again on January 1, 2025. As of January 1, 2025, 4.2 million American workers are estimated to become newly eligible for overtime pay, and the salary threshold for most exempt employees will increase to 58,656 (nearly 65 more than the preJuly 2024 threshold). In this webinar, we will discuss basic principles for classifying employees as exempt or nonexempt under the ‘White Collar’ and ‘Highly Compensated Employee’ exemptions. We will also discuss calculating overtime for newly nonexempt employees. Finally, we will discuss strategic considerations for determining which employees should receive salary increases to remain FLSA exempt and which employees should transition to receiving overtime compensation. Participants should leave the webinar with a clear understanding of the categories of employees that are impacted by the new DOL regulations, how to calculate overtime under the FLSA, and the steps organizations should consider to remain compliant with the FLSA.
Date: 2024-07-25 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives