Learn the complex benefit and tax issues that come with providing benefits to samesex spouses and domestic partners.The legalization of same sex marriage was a long overdue societal benefit, but the benefits and tax world have been slow to adjust. Now that the differentiation between same sex marriage and heterosexual marriage is a thing of the past, this topic aims to bring to light the key areas of exposure any employee benefits plan may face as a result of the change. Whether your plan needs to be amended or you are seeking to establish employee benefit programs to comply with the same sex marriage environment, this program will assist in identifying current vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities to plans that are right around the corner. Failure to comply with the sweeping changes in tax and employee benefits may result in discrimination issues andor tax qualification issues in your employee benefit plans. You will learn what was, what is, and what is next in employee benefits and tax as a result of the legalization of same sex marriage.
Date: 2019-11-15 Start Time: End Time:
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