Grasp a better understanding of how to develop training for supervisors around sensitivity and diversity and inclusion.Are you taking steps to avoid the perception of insensitivity? Diversity categories are extensive and are expanding rapidly. They essentially cover the full spectrum of human differences. As a leader, how do you comprehend and address them all? The topic of sensitivity in the workplace has emerged at the top of most companies’ list of priorities in recent years. Sexual harassment charges in Hollywood, government, education, sports, and business have exploded. Race relations have been fragile, to say the least, and according to Gallup, 42 of Americans say that they worry a ‘great deal’ about race relations. These are just a few of the ‘hot button’ issues directly related to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This course will provide methods to develop awareness and acceptance of a diverse workforce which is inclusionary and benefits the organization as a whole. An aware supervisor who uses these tools will be more responsive and thereby more sensitive to the workforce and its needs. Sensitivity encompasses diversity, inclusion, and focusing on the talents of the overall workforce and empowers the leadership to motivate and encourage employee engagement.
Date: 2022-12-06 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives