Serving on a Nonprofit Board


SKU: 411858


Get the most out of your service and make sure your nonprofit is efficient, effective, and ethical.
Do you currently serve on a nonprofit board, have been asked to serve on one, or would like to serve on one? If so, you probably have a lot of questions how is a nonprofit different than a business, what are the benefits to me of serving on a board, how much of my time is required, will they expect me to contribute and to help them raise money? Well answer these and many more questions to put your mind at ease. Serving on a nonprofit board can be a rewarding experience in many ways, and we want you to enjoy the experience rather than dread it.

Date: 2025-01-21 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to discuss why to serve on a board.

* You will be able to review what you should expect from the nonprofit.

* You will be able to identify what the nonprofit should expect from you.

* You will be able to explain disclosure of conflict of interest.

Why Serve on a Board
• It’s Good for the Nonprofit
• It’s Good for the Community
• It’s Good for You

What Should You Expect From the Nonprofit?
• Transparency
• To Be in Legal and Ethical Compliance
• Not to Waste Your Time and Talent
• To Educate You on Their Mission and Vision
• To Be Well Organized, Efficient, and Effective

What Will the Nonprofit Expect From You?
• Attendance at Meetings and Events
• To Serve on a Committee(s)
• Confidentiality
• To Disclose Any Conflict of Interest
• Time, Talent, and Treasure
• Passion for the Mission

CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Linda Lysakowski, ACFRE-Linda Lysakowski, LLC