Shop Drawings and Other Construction Submittals: Legal and Engineering Perspectives (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406693EAU


Understand your responsibilities regarding submittals and shop drawings, and how they fit into the design and construction process.Contractors and design professionals, who are required to supply and respond to shop drawings and submittals on a construction project, may find themselves questioning whether the submittal review process can be made less contentious and more effective. They also may seek guidance in establishing procedures to request, track, and review submittals in a way that minimizes delays and anticipates long lead items and work that may require significant development in the submittal phase. This topic will help the persons responsible for shop drawing requests, development, submittals, and review to implement submittal tracking and review procedures that accommodate the need for prompt and efficient reviews while providing adequate time for coordination and resubmittals, if needed. This information will also explain the purposes of shop drawings and submittals on a project, and why failing to allow for adequate time for, or to assign competent resources to, the submittal review process is a common cause of construction delays and nonconforming work, which may result in cost overruns and contract disputes.

Date: 2019-12-18 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Uses of Shop Drawings and Submittals
• Shop Drawings and Submittals • Definition and Purpose
• Shop Drawings vs. Contract Documents
• Action Submittals vs. Informational Submittals

The Submittal Process
• Role of the Contractor, Its Subcontractors and Suppliers
• Role of the Design Professional, and Its Consultants

Contractual and Performance Issues in the Submittal Process
• Delays in Submittals or Review
• Substitutions and Other Deviations From Contract Documents
• Inadequate or Incomplete or Uncoordinated Submittals
• Legal Effect of a Reviewed or Approved Stamp

Best Practices for a Successful Submittal Process
• Identifying Work for Which Submittals Are (and Are Not) Needed
• Adopting a Realistic Submittal Schedule
• Establishing Effective Submittal Tracking and Review Procedures

Effective Use of Shop Drawings and Submittals
• Confirming Contractor’s Understanding of the Design Intent
• Identifying Defects and Deficiencies Before Fabrication and Installation
• Addressing Justifiable Substitutions and Variations From Contract Documents

No Credit Available

Lisa A. Barton, Esq.-Bazelon, Less & Feldman, P.C.