Learn how to address all the major causes of slips, trips, and falls in the workplace and how to prevent them.
Statistically speaking, slips, trips and falls are the second leading cause of death among general industry workers and account for about 20 percent of nonfatal workplace injuries. OSHA released a final rule in 2017, which dramatically altered employers responsibilities for compliance with prevention of these significant injuries, inspection of working and walking surfaces, employee training, and even development of fall prevention plans for some types of work. OSHA now is enforcing the rule through a National Emphasis Program affecting all industries. This webinar will help employers understand what is required under the current rules and NEP, how fall protection equipment requirements have changed, which general industry activities are now more aligned with construction requirements, and what new equipment will be needed to conform to the updated requirements (and when). The topic will also address proactive measures you can implement now to reduce expensive fall injuries in your workplace.
Date: 2024-07-18 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define which walking and working surfaces are covered by OSHAs revised standard and what the specific prevention requirements are for each type of hazardous exposure.
* You will be able to describe the different methods that employers may now use to protect general industry workers from falls, in lieu of fixed guardrail and barrier systems.
* You will be able to discuss what types of trainingretraining will be needed for workers exposed to potential fall hazards.
* You will be able to explain how requirements for scaffolds, personal fall protection systems, and anchorage points have been updated.