Supercharge Sales With Your Memory Power (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 403980EAU


Every success you’ve had and every success you will have in the future is based on the information in your head and your ability to pull that information out when you need it.Sales professionals often are satisfied with their current level of success because they believe they have learned what they need to learn. The fact of the matter is great sales professionals know they must always be learning to be successful at sales because things constantly change. One tool that many sales professionals have never considered enhancing or even recognizing is their own memory the additional power station to be successful that sits right on top of every one of their shoulders at no additional cost to them or management. Even though you may not be conscious of how you already use your memory, think about what you would do if you had no memory? Nothing. Have you ever struggled remembering names? Product information? Facts? You are not alone, but the fact is if you remember anything then you do have memory. The good news is it can be improved so you have better use of it. This topic is designed to help you learn how to understand and better utilize your memory to improve your sales results again and again.

Date: 2021-12-13 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

How to Use Our Memory

How to Improve Sales by Better Utilizing Our Memory

How to Increase Productivity

Debbie Mrazek-The Sales Company