Tax Benefits and Implications of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 407738EAU


Gain an understanding of the new CARES Act, tax benefits under the CARES Act, and how it affects you and your business.On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act became law, as part of Congress’ efforts to provide much needed stimulus to individuals and businesses adversely impacted by the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic. Many persons have not had the time to even read all of the legislation, much less consider the guidance that has been thereafter issued. Inherent in the ability to provide relief to individuals and businesses are the offering of tax benefits. By now, many individuals have been relieved to receive stimulus payments, while many businesses in economic distress have been able to apply and even receive PPP and EIDL loans. Some larger companies have sought to return loans, as well, under pressures that they were not the intended recipients of these loans. Whether or not businesses will be able to have the loans forgiven require careful analysis, mindful of additional constraints provided by the underwriting requirements of the SBA and financial institutions. Independent contractors sit in the middle of payroll questions and the CARES Act has led to numerous questions about how they are to be treated under the law. Numerous tax benefits are offered under the CARES Act, but the implications of these tax provisions remain to be seen. In this topic, we look to identify the open questions surrounding the tax benefits offered and when possible, provide what commentators are thinking are proper interpretations of some of the more vexing aspects of the CARES Act.

Date: 2020-05-21 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Overview of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
• What the CARES Act Was Intended to Do
• What the CARES Act Was Not Intended to Do
• Latest Developments

Summary of the Tax Benefits Offered by the CARES Act
• Key Features of the CARES Act (PPP, EIDL)
• 2020 Stimulus Recovery Rebates for Individuals (Section 2201)
• Above-the-Line Charitable Contributions (Section 2204)
• 2020 Modification of Limitations on Charitable Contributions (Section 2205)
• Employee Retention Credit for Certain Employers (Section 2301)
• Delay of Payment of Employer Payroll and SECA Tax Payments (Section 2302)
• Modifications for Use of Net Operating Losses (Section 2303)
• Modification of Limitation of Excess Farm and Business Losses (Section 2304)
• Modification of Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax Liability of Corporations (Section 2305)
• Modifications of Limitation on Business Interest (Section 2306)
• Bonus Depreciation for Qualified Improvement Property Correction (Section 2307)

Tax Implications of the Paycheck Protection Program
• Overview of Interim Rule Guidance
• Repayment and FAQ 31
• Criminal Law Enforcement/Bank Fraud
• Other Issues Arising From the PPP and EIDL

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

T. Scott Tufts, Esq.-CPLS, P.A.