Gain a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of AI, and which AI tools could readily be implement in the workplace.The implementation of generative AI has been transforming our workplace. When used correctly, AI automates routine tasks, streamlines analyzing dataheavy work, and importantly, improves employee experience and performance. According to a CNBC survey, 72 of workers who have used AI at work say it has made them more productive, compared with 28 of counterparts who cited a negative impact. There are many ways AI could be leveraged to experience its positive and purposeful attributes in our daily work. This presentation will first define what AI is and identify some of the useful AI services. Then, the presentation explains some of the workflows that could benefit from implementing AI and provides use cases. Presenters will emphasize the importance of data security concerns and ethical considerations when balancing efficiency and data confidentiality. Lastly, the workshop will end with determining ways in which tax professionals and employees could start leveraging generative AI in their daily work. Attendees will take away from the webinar with a clear understanding of AI, both its advantages and disadvantages, and a determination of which AI tools they could readily implement in their workplace.
Date: 2024-03-28 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives