The Causes and Prevention of Concrete Surface Imperfections (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409644EAU


Understand the common causes of concrete imperfection and how to minimize or prevent them.It is to the credit of concrete that so few complaints are received on the vast amount of construction put in place. While it is easy to determine the properties of the hardened concrete that will be suitable for the intended purpose, great care is required throughout the entire construction process to ensure that the hardened concrete has the desired properties. When a blemish appears on the surface of a concrete slab, it will likely be one of these dusting, scaling, crazing, cracking, plastic shrinkage cracks, thermal cracking, blisters, discoloration, aggregate popouts, alkaliaggregate reactions, and deicers. These deficiencies, caused by specific factors explained in this information, can be minimized or prevented by adhering to proper construction methods.

Date: 2022-04-12 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Materials for Concrete

Concrete Mixtures for Flatwork

Base Preparation and Form Work

Placing, Finishing, Jointing Concrete

Curing Concrete

Troubleshooting Slab Defects
• Dusting
• Scaling
• Crazing
• Cracking
• Plastic Shrinkage Cracks
• Thermal Cracking
• Blisters
• Discoloration
• Aggregate Popouts
• Alkali Aggregate Reactions
• Deicers

No Credit Available

Kenneth M. Justice, P.E.-National Ready Mixed Concrete Association