Protect your financial institution from loss and fraud with proper check handling.
It is an important part of a bank employees job to know how to handle checks to protect your financial institution from monetary loss. By recognizing the proper ways to cash checks, check for endorsements, and spot fraud, you protect not only the bank but yourself from liability.
This presentation guides you through handling different types of checks and learning how different check types meet certain requirements to be accepted or deposited. You will also learn how endorsements affect check cashing, along with how to look for proper identification and signature verification for cashing checks. Additionally, you will discover how to spot alteredfraudulent checks.
Date: 2023-07-26 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe the types of endorsements.
* You will be able to discuss check cashing guidance.
* You will be able to explain why check identification and signature verification is important.
* You will be able to identify check alterations.