The Fundamentals of Credit Repair for Attorneys


SKU: 410056


Provide your clients with an accurate perspective on how the credit system functions and which actions can ensure consistent high credit scores.
The importance of having good credit has become more and more prevalent as many of the most important financial professional and personal necessities are based on having an acceptable credit score. The problem is that most consumers have not been educated in understanding how the credit system works or where to go to access accurate information on how to improve and maintain a good credit score. This information is not traditionally taught in schools and there is not a legal specialization that I am aware of which teaches specifically how the credit system functions. This presentation will take some of the mystery out of how the credit system works and dispel some of the myths that can be confusing to consumers and cause frustration and hardship for individuals trying to improve their personal credit. It will explain exactly what this threedigit number means to a lender when they are evaluating a consumers profile and what steps a consumer can take to improve their chances of being approved prior to providing their credit scores. Financial hardship is one of the major factors of stress and personal dysfunctions and maintaining a good credit score can greatly decrease the chances of experiencing financial hardship. This presentation will equip legal professionals and other attendees with knowledge and information to confidently provide recommendations and information to individuals who can benefit by having better credit that can give a more accurate perspective on how the credit system functions and which actions and behaviors can ensure sustained and consistent high credit scores.

Date: 2022-09-13 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

What Is the Significance of Your Credit Score?
• Determines Your Risk Factor as a Consumer to a Lender
• Determines How Much Money You Can Borrow and How Much Interest You Will Pay
• Determines Other Important Factors Such as Your Ability to Get Employment, Utilities, Govt. Security Clearance Insurance etc.

What Exactly Is a Credit Score?
• Your Credit Score Is a Numeric Representation of Your Trustworthiness as a Consumer in the Eyes of a Lender
• Your Credit Score Is Generated From an Algorithm That Translates the Current Information in Your Credit Report Into a Numeric Value
• The Many Variations of a Credit Score

What Are the Determing Factors of a Credit Score?
• Payment History, Amounts Owed
• Age of Credit, Credit Mix
• New Credit, Inquiries

Credit Reports
• How Does Information Get Inserted on a Credit Report?
• How Long Does Derogatory Information Stay on a Credit Report?
• What Exactly Is a Credit Report?

Ways to Improve Your Credit Score
• Establish Positive Payment History
• Lower Revolving Account Balances
• Dispute Derogatory and Inaccurate Information Appearing on Your Credit Report

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Tim Sanders-Credit Repair of Florida