The Secret to Successful Employment for Individuals with ASD (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405780EAU


Learn how to change the trajectory for individuals with ASD and diversity and inclusion efforts in businesses across the country.Though highly capable and skilled, the majority of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are unemployed or underemployed. Businesses are missing out on the diversity and creativity employees with ASD bring. Additionally, there is a shortage of adult programs, leaving individuals with ASD left at home or with family without meaningful daily activities. There are strategies that work in securing successful, meaningful employment for individuals with ASD. This topic, capitalizing on 23 years of work to create a model for successful employment for individuals with ASD, is ideal for educators, professionals, caregivers, human resource leaders, and diversity and inclusion advocates. Included in the content are three main secrets for successful employment for individuals with ASD your values, your strategy, and sustainability. This information is critical to change the trajectory for individuals with ASD and diversity and inclusion efforts in businesses across the country.

Date: 2019-04-08 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Secret #1 to Successful Employment for Individuals With ASD: Your Values
• Employment Is Important
• Your Mindset Matters
• An Employer Is Lucky to Hire an Individual With ASD

Secret #2 to Successful Employment for Individuals With ASD: Your Strategy
• Use a Holistic Approach
• The Assessment That Leads to Employment
• Effective Job Development
• The Job Match

Secret #3 to Successful Employment for Individuals With ASD: Sustainability
• The Employer
• The Employee
• The Team

Brooke Bowles-Bowles Consulting, LLC