Optimize cash flow and working capital for your enterprise by applying the best collection strategy to each customer.Commercial collections are complicated by the variety of your customers’ needs. Corporations need to be handled differently than Mom and Pop operations. Likewise, growing firms and distressed companies present different sets of challenges than stable enterprises. It also matters whether you are selling a commodity or a custom product. This topic will help collectors and their supervisors better understand their organization’s collection environment. By being able to recognize the weaknesses and pitfalls in their current collection process they can then take steps to collect more overdue funds faster and this material will go over those tools such as using thirdparty collectors and security filings. Cash is King, and collection organizations that underperform put the entire enterprise at risk in today’s competitive marketplace. This topic contains critical knowledge that every member of a collection team needs to understand in order to apply the best collection strategy to each customer, thereby optimizing cash flow and working capital for the entire enterprise.
Date: 2020-04-20 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives