Total Compensation Statements as a Tool to Communicate Total Value (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 411140EAU


Learn how total compensation statements can help you communicate the true value of your company’s compensation and benefits packages to employees.Many human resources and compensation professionals design compensation plans and struggle with communicating the total rewards clearly and concisely across all levels of an organization. This presentation will help professionals understand the importance of total compensation statements as well as how to communicate them throughout an organization. Additionally, professionals will gain insight into market trends and prevalence, and different options in both the design and communication of total rewards programs.

Date: 2024-04-11 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Introduction and Total Rewards Overview
• Direct Compensation
• Traditional Benefits
• Non-Monetary Benefits

Compensation Considerations
• Direct Compensation Considerations (Pay Mix etc.)
• Communication of Total Rewards
• Total Rewards Statement / Tally Sheets

Low-Cost Solutions
• Benefit Overview
• Intangible Benefits
• Training / Performance Development and Fringe Benefits

High-Cost Solutions
• Monetary Benefits and Importance of Education
• Health / Welfare and 401K
• Prevalence and Data

• Total Rewards Important in the Marketplace
• Trends and Future Outlook

AIPB ,ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Corey Davidson-Alvarez & Marsal, Ryan Wells – Alvarez & Marsal

Total Compensation Statements as a Tool to Communicate Total Value (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405112EAU


Learn how total compensation statements can help you communicate the true value of your company’s compensation and benefits packages to employees.Often employees look at their base salary as the total value provided by your organization. Retaining employees is the number one issue of business today, and often they leave for a few cents in base pay. Creating customized compensation statements for your organization can be a valuable communication tool. Generally, total compensation ranges from 30 to 50 percent above base compensation for an organization and most employees are unaware of the benefit. This information will help you understand the value of creating total compensation statements as well as the process for information gathering, data management, and printing and production of the final statements.

Date: 2019-03-18 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Makes up Compensation?
• Base Compensation
• Bonus and Commissions
• Government Mandated Benefits
• Voluntary Benefits
• Nonmonetary Benefits

Communication Vehicle
• Branding
• Tool for Messaging
• Benefit Recap
• Stock Options/Plans
• Visually Appealing

Data Assembly
• Options From Payroll Systems
• Employee Demographics
• Data From Other Areas of Organization
• Ability to Include Items That Are Not for All Employees
• How to Handle Paid Time off

Tools Available for Statement Creation
• Microsoft Products
• Internal Database
• HRIS Programs
• Your Benefit Broker

Considerations in Statements
• Printing and Mailing
• PDF’s
• Color or Black and White

No Credit Available

Lori Kleiman, SPHR, SHRM-SCP-HR Topics