Trademark Law for Paralegals (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 410937EAU


Learn to distinguish between trademarks and other forms of intellectual property.This topic will explain the different types of trademarks in contrast to copyright and patents. The program will explain the trademark search and application process, including renewals. Speakers will also highlight the best practices for filing a trademark, including how to find and identify proper specimen examples for trademark applications and renewals. The material will also provide a general overview of trademark litigation, potential infringement issues, and policing.

Date: 2023-09-26 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Is a Trademark?
• Trademark vs. Copyright vs. Patent
• What Can Be Registered as a Trademark?
• Domain Name Trademarks
• Word vs. Design Marks vs. Word + Design
• Service Marks

Obtaining a Trademark
• Federal vs. State Regulations
• Conducting Trademark Search
• Trademark Search Tips
• Federal Registration 101
• Federal Registration Timeline
• Application
• Office Actions
• Office Action Refusals
• Publication for Opposition
• After Publication

Trademark Renewals
• Maintaining the Trademark
• Specimens
• Enforcing Trademark Rights
• Policing
• Cease and Desist Letters

Trademark Infringement and Litigation
• The Lanham Act
• Likelihood of Confusion Factors


NALA ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Amber Couzo-Shullman Fugate PLLC, Allison S. Lovelady – Shullman Fugate PLLC

Trademark Law for Paralegals (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406684EAU


Understanding how to file for and enforce a trademark can be crucial to defending your clients goods and services against unlawful copies.Many are familiar with the term trademark but have trouble distinguishing trademarks from the other forms of intellectual property such as copyrights and patents. This topic will explain the key differences among intellectual property and help you understand what constitutes a protectible trademark. This material will also explain the federal registration process within the USPTO, including how to respond to office actions. The topic will also discuss postregistration steps, like policing and enforcing a trademark, as well as determining whether there is any infringing use. The material will also provide a general overview of trademark litigation, including establishing the elements for a cause of action under the Lanham Act and defenses in response to an infringement claim.

Date: 2020-09-24 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Is a Trademark?
• Trademark vs. Copyright vs. Patent
• What Can Be Trademarked?
• Word Mark vs. Design Mark vs. Word Plus Design Marks

Obtaining a Trademark
• Federal vs. State Rights
• Conducting a Trademark Search
• Federal Registration 101
• Filing the Application
• Office Actions

Enforcing Your Trademark
• Renewals
• Policing Your Mark
• Cease and Desist Letters

Trademark Infringement and Litigation
• Common Law Infringement
• The Lanham Act
• Likelihood of Confusion
• Defenses

Questions and Answers

No Credit Available

Giselle M. Girones-Shullman Fugate PLLC, Allison S. Lovelady – Shullman Fugate PLLC