Train the Trainer Model: Tips and Tricks for Running Successful Training Sessions (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405516EAU


Learn how to capture your employee’s attention during critical training sessions to ensure the information is retained and put to use.A lot of training is rated by participants as dull or boring. They quickly forget what was taught and leave the session with little motivation to change. This does not have to be the case. You will learn how to transform your training sessions from dull presentations into engaging sessions that both deepen the learning, lead to better results, and earn higher evaluation scores. Drawing together key brain theories, you will learn how to inspire learners to help them remember the content long after the topic has been covered. You will also learn how to create an environment in which people want to learn and pick up some tips on managing disruptive participants.

Date: 2019-05-20 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

The Mechanics of Workplace Learning – How Learners Make Sense of What They Learn and Remember It

Techniques to Help Learners Understand and Remember – Research-Based Techniques to Use in the Classroom to Help Learners Retain What They Learn

Techniques to Prevent Disruptive Class Behavior – Steps You Can Take to Create an Environment Conducive to Learning

Keeping Learners’ Attention – Tips for Keeping Your Training Class Engaging

No Credit Available

Jonathan Halls-Jonathan Halls & Associates