Trends, Planning Tools, and Design Innovations for Pedestrian Safety and Walkability (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408763EAU


Learn about the latest planning tools and design innovations for enhancing pedestrian safety and walkability.With an increased focus on complete streets, public health, and sustainability numerous new devices and planning tools and limited funding for projects, providing safe walking facilities for all is both a challenge and opportunity.This topic will present the latest planning tools and design innovations for enhancing pedestrian safety and walkability. It will focus on recent trends such as climate change, active transportation, safety and security, and funding. Planning tools discussed will include GIS innovations, crosswalk policies, complete streets policies, and various methods for analyzing the quality of the pedestrian experience. Additionally, the audio conference will present design innovations for pathways, controlled and uncontrolled crossings, and accommodations for disabled pedestrians. Case study examples, with success stories and lessons learned, will be featured.

Date: 2021-08-03 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Overview: Trends in Pedestrian Planning
• Climate Change
• Health and Wellness
• Safety: Vision Zero
• Equity and Security
• Funding

What Makes a Street Walkable?
• Good Streets
• Good Intersections
• Good Crossings
• Great Places

Planning Tools
• GIS Innovations
• Crosswalk Policies
• Jurisdictional Planning and Design Tools
• Quality of Pedestrian Experience

Design Toolbox
• Intersection Treatments
• Corridor Treatments
• ADA Treatments
• Innovations

AIA ,ENG ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Kendra Rowley, P.E.-Fehr & Peers, Sarah Saviskas, AICP – Fehr & Peers