U.S. Export Controls and Sanctions for the Supply Chain Professional (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408650EAU


Avoid significant penalties for violating the complex and constantlychanging U.S. export control and sanctions regime.The U.S. government continues to use U.S. economic sanctions and export controls to address situations across the globe, with a heightened focus on human rights and international supply chains. For example, in recent years, the U.S. government has taken action to underscore concerns about forced labor from North Korea, forced labor in China, supply chains for China’s and Russia’s military development, the global supply chain of microchips and processors, the use of certain Chinese technology in the U.S. government’s supply chain, and supply chains involving sanctioned parties in Russia and elsewhere. Other changes, such as the U.S.’s new policy on Hong Kong, also impact supply chains under U.S. laws and regulations. This course will explain the scope and applicability of dualuse export controls, defense export controls, and U.S. economic sanctions. It will also discuss how to build a compliance program to cover these areas and protect your company against noncompliance. The course focuses on how these regulatory regimes affect supply chains inside and outside the United States.

Date: 2022-06-28 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives


Export Controls and Economic Sanctions Generally
• Sanctions Programs/OFAC

Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
• Scope
• Commodity Classification
• License Determination
• Prohibited End-Uses/End-Users

International Traffic of Arms Regulations (ITAR)
• Scope
• Registration
• Licensing

Economic Sanctions and OFAC
• Types of Programs
• Scope of Prohibitions
• Blocking/Unblocking
• General/Specific Licenses

Developing a Compliance Program
• Management Support
• Risk Assessments
• Internal Controls
• Testing/Auditing
• Training

Supply Chain Considerations
• For Government Contractors
• Vendors/Suppliers
• Raw Materials
• Labor
• Due Diligence

Cybersecurity and IT Considerations
• Location of Servers/IT Vendors
• Foreign Access to Data

Case Studies

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,ISM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Oliver Krischik-GKG Law, P.C.