Underperforming Sales Rep? Fact and Fiction on Creating a Fix (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404141EAU


Understand the difference between knowing if a rep is able to grow and knowing when to cut your losses.The world of selling is an illustrious career that requires the right person with the proper skills, and most importantly, the ability to produce results. Everyone might be able to sell, but can they meet the established goals? When developing a sales team, obstacles are not uncommon. Obstacles can include competition, industry changes, poor management, or perhaps the individual themselves. There are also times when there is one individual that seems to struggle more than others at that point, do you terminate, do you place on administrative review, or do you make changes? Being hasty may help or hinder? This informational topic provides answers to the issues you have and how to quickly correct them.

Date: 2021-04-13 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

The Sales Process Do You Have One?

Time to Review Recruitment and Selection • How to Hire the Best

Customer Savviness • How Well Does Your Rep Work With Customers

Data, Data, Data • Are You Evaluating the Proper KPIs?

Time Management and Organization Skills • Is There Too Much Windshield or Screen Time?

Can the Person Conduct the Job If Their Life Depended on It? • Hiring Issue

Why Training Does Not Work Unless You Understand Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Best Practices for Success

Drew Stevens, Ph.D.-Stevens Performance Group