Understanding, Documenting and Improving Care for LGBTQ Patients (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404103EAU


Understanding the unique health care needs of LGBTQ patients is the first step to improving the quality of their care.Understanding the unique health care needs of LGBTQ patients is the first step to improving the quality of their care. Although many medical practices want to better serve LGBTQ patients, few have the systems in place to meet, or even document, the unique needs of these patients. Even when good policies are in place, many find it difficult to mobilize their teams to truly improve care. This topic will help all of those involved in improving quality of care including intake, documentation, service delivery, and adherence to better serve LGBTQ patients. In addition to better understanding LGBTQ patients and their unique health care needs, this information will provide you with the practical steps needed to improve care at your organizations. With the rapid growth and increasing visibility of the LGBTQ community, health service providers face growing incentives to compete for LGBTQ patients, as well as increasing legal risk if they fail to adapt. This topic will enable you to advance quality of care at your organization and improve the lives of LGBTQ patients.

Date: 2019-04-15 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Understanding LGBTQ Health Disparities
• Identifying Disparities That Are Based on Physical and Sexual Differences Between LGBTQ Patients and Others
• Identifying Disparities That Exist Because of Social Conditions Such as Discrimination, Which May Change Over Time
• Ascertaining the Ways in Which Your Team Can Address Disparities and Improve Care for Your LGBTQ Patients

Documenting Relevant Information
• Getting Past the LGBTQ Alphabet to What Really Matters for Quality Medical Care
• Designing Intake Processes and Record Systems to Effectively Capture Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Information
• Training Staff so That Information Is Properly Collected and Utilized to Improve Quality of Care

Protecting Patient Privacy
• Understanding the Basis of LGBTQ Patients’ Privacy Concerns
• Building LGBTQ-Inclusive Protocols That Maintain Privacy of Protected Information While Improving Outcomes
• Avoiding HIPAA Violations and Maintaining a Good Clinical Culture

Securing Authorizations and Planning Documents
• Understanding How Recent Changes in the Law Affect the Rights of LGBTQ Patients and Families, and What Remains Unchanged
• Taking Into Consideration Unique Health Care Planning Considerations in the LGBTQ Community
• Being Proactive in Ensuring That People With Diverse Family Types Have HIPAA Authorizations and Advance Planning Documented

Complying With Antidiscrimination Laws
• Understanding the Status of Rapidly Changing Laws That Affect Medical Practice
• Explaining the Basic Principles of the Law to Your Team
• Identifying How Improving Quality of Care Also Improves Legal Compliance

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Corey Prachniak-Rincon, J.D., M.P.H.-Private Consulting