Understanding Fiduciary Relationships and Accounts (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405353EAU


This topic will cover the nuances in fiduciary relationships as well as the relationship between the fiduciary and the individual.The program will cover the strategies to achieve legal goals, including, achieving power and authority. In addition it will address strategies aimed at avoiding litigation and reducing the temperature in the room. The topic will discuss the latest trends in fee litigation in accounts.

Date: 2020-02-13 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Turf Wars-Competing Fiduciaries
• Health Care Proxies vs. Guardianships
• Durable Powers of Attorneys vs. Conservatorships
• Conservators vs. Trustees

Competing Rights Between the Fiduciary and the Individual
• Individuals Right to Counsel
• Who Call the Shots- the Guardian or the Individual

Hot Topics in Accounts
• Fiduciary Fees
• Legal Fees

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Lisa M. Cukier, Esq.-Burns & Levinson LLP