Understanding Your Health Plan Renewal


SKU: 410085


Ensure your understanding of various pieces of the health plan renewal calculations.
Regardless of whether your companys medical insurance is built on a fully insured or selffunded chassis (or any of the hybrid options in between), the reality is that costs continue to rise and those of us in charge of negotiating these for our companies dont always know what all goes into these increases were being assessed. This presentation will help the people responsible for this at their organizations to understand more about how renewal rating is generated. The live webinar explains various piece of insurance nuance that goes into how the premium increases are calculated. Failing to have a proper understanding of how the risks are calculated can leave employers in the dark as to whether the premiums being levied are fair or potentially able to be lowered. This lack of understanding can cost employers thousands of dollars. This workshop is critical for employers so they can ensure their understanding of various pieces of the renewal calculation.

Date: 2024-01-24 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to describe why certain insurance plan designs are more negotiable than others.

* You will be able to discuss details of different features that go into insurance renewal calculations.

* You will be able to identify which insurance plan design options might suit you well enough to be worth exploring for your company.

* You will be able to recognize aspects of your insurance plan design that are more or less negotiable than alternatives which may be available.

What Is the Medical Trend
• How Is It Calculated
• What Has It Been Historically
• Other Factors That Go Into the Trend

Fully Insured Considerations
• What Is Capitation
• What Does It Mean to Be a Pooled Group
• Other Fully Insured Considerations

Self-Funded Options
• Aso Plans
• Unbundled Plans and Point Solutions
• Other Self-Insured Considerations

Other Claims-Based Options
• Merp Arrangements
• Level Funded Plans
• Other Hybrid Options Available

Other Renewal Factors
• Contract Nuances
• Non-Medical or Ancillary Insurance Plans
• Additional Renewal Considerations

ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,CPE ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Tobias Kennedy-Montage Insurance Solutions