Understanding and Preventing Virtual Harassment (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 410614EAU


Learn how to develop and implement effective antidiscrimination and antiharassment programs that are wellsuited for today’s virtual workplace.Harassment is on the rise. Many employers are unaware of how pervasive harassment is and how the company may be liable, even for actions that occur off company grounds. Issues of harassment further complicate employee retention and hiring, which is already more difficult than ever.This presentation will first explain the legal frameworks at play to understand what harassment really means. The material will walk through five steps to ensure your workplace is able to minimize legal risks and then dive into a series of scenarios to evaluate good practices for policy writing, appropriate complaint procedures, proper training methods, and suitable investigation strategies. This topic is critical to ensure you are taking the necessary steps to minimize legal risks and create a better working environment for all employees.

Date: 2023-03-28 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

• Statistics About Virtual Harassment
• Harassment on the Rise
• Importance of Training

Key Definitions
• Protected Categories
• Discrimination
• Harassment

5-Step Compliance Program
• Policies
• Complaint Procedures
• Training
• Investigations
• Remedial Actions

Practical Exercises
• Policy Review
• Complaint Procedures
• Training
• Investigations

Practical Tips and Review
• Practical Tips
• More Practical Tips
• Review

ASA ,CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Jenna Rubin-Fisher & Phillips LLP

Understanding and Preventing Virtual Harassment (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404931EAU


Get EEOC guidance on preventing virtual harassment in the workplace.
The virtual workplace presents special problems for employers who want to maintain a workplace free of harassment and discrimination. This information will offer practical advice to employers on how to develop and implement effective antidiscrimination and antiharassment programs that are wellsuited for today’s virtual workplace. The information will discuss recent highprofile harassment situations, the MeToo Movement, EEOC guidance and other best practices for employers on how to make prevention programs in a virtual world more effective and to create the right workplace culture.

Date: 2019-02-12 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Roadmap for Compliance in a Virtual World

Some Background Stats

EEOC Charges Precede Litigation

Employment Litigation Can Be Expensive

Key Definitions
• Discrimination
• Harassment
• Retaliation

Discrimination Is

Harassment Is

Four Categories of Harassing Behavior

Virtual Activities That Could Be Harassment

Retaliation Is Prohibited by Many Laws

Retaliation Is

5-Step Compliance Program

No Harassment Policy

Other Relevant Policies

Complaint Procedures

Training Is Important

Audiences for Training
• Managers
• Supervisors
• Employees

Training Logistics

Leveraging Technology to Train in a Virtual World

Documentation of Training

Investigating and Resolving Complaints

Investigation Should Include Digital Media

EEOC Task Force Study

EEOC Task Force Conclusions

EEOC Task Force Identified Needs

Practical Exercises/Common Mistakes

No Credit Available

D. Albert Brannen-Fisher & Phillips LLP