Understanding and Troubleshooting Copyright Law (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 410523EAU


Gain insight into what copyright is, how to identify copyrightable subject matter, and make sure you or your clients own the copyrights.Many people are inadvertently or unknowingly committing copyright infringement by appropriating protected works and using those works on social media, in school assignments, and in publications. On social media apps like YouTube and TikTok, users demonstrate a rampant misunderstanding of copyright law and how it applies to even minimal usage of protected works. This presentation will discuss what the Copyright Act protects, who benefits from those protections, what the penalties are for infringement, and why an infringer’s intent is irrelevant to determining liability.

Date: 2023-04-13 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Protections in the Copyright Act
• Exclusive Rights
• What Is Protected

Defenses to Infringement Claims
• No Copying
• Fair Use
• Express or Implied License

Termination Revocation of License
• Conditions vs. Covenants
• Wrongful Termination

• Do They Help Avoid Infringement Claims?
• Are Your Intentions Relevant?


Case Studies

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Julie Machal-Fulks-Scott & Scott, LLP

Understanding and Troubleshooting Copyright Law (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406365EAU


Gain insight into what a copyright is, how to identify copyrightable subject matter and make sure you or your clients own the copyrights.The internet has changed all copyright paradigms. Committing copyright infringement is as easy as, rightclick, save as. Protecting you and your client’s content on the internet is critical, and failing to do so can result in millions in lost revenue. Conversely, getting sued and losing a copyright infringement lawsuit can bankrupt your company. This topic will define what a copyright is, show you how to identify copyrightable subject matter and make sure you or your clients own the copyrights. It will teach you how to register copyrights, which is now absolutely essential to enforcement given recent supreme court precedent. It will guide you on best practices to enforce and monetize your and your client’s copyrights. It will offer best practices, at the enterprise level, on how to avoid copyright infringement and best defensive practices after a cease and desist letter is received or an infringement lawsuit has been filed.

Date: 2019-10-24 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Is a Copyright?
• Copyright Is Not a Verb
• Defining Copyrightable Subject Matter and Sufficiently Creative
• Creation Is Not Ownership Is Not Registration
• The Medium Is the Message: Photo? Code? Sound Recording?

Ownership of Copyright (a Noun)
• If You Do Not Own It, You Cannot Sell It, License It or Enforce It
• What Is Authorship?
• The Misunderstood and Misapplied Work for Hire Doctrine
• The Importance of Copyright Assignments

The Importance of Timely Copyright Registration
• How and Why to Register a Copyright
• Deposit Copies, Creation Dates and Publication Dates
• The Berne Convention and International Considerations

Enforcement, Licensing and Monetization
• What Is Copyright Licensing?
• Can I Sell Copyrights?
• The Importance of Copyrights to Portfolio Valuation for Company Sale, Merger or Investment
• Copyright Litigation

Internet-Specific Issues
• The Ease of Copying and the Whack-a-Mole Problem
• The Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the Power of 17 U.S.C. Section 512(c)
• Finding Infringements on the Internet
• A Quick Word on Music Licensing and ASCAP

Defensive Issues
• Insurance and Advertising Injury
• The Misunderstood and Misapplied Fair Use Doctrine
• Why Disclaimers and Attribution Do Nothing for You
• How to Not Get Sued and Lose a Copyright Lawsuit

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Bradlee R. Frazer-Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley LLP