Gain a better understanding on the importance of proper revenue sourcing and the special apportionment rules for servicebased businesses.
The sourcing rules adopted by the various states are far from uniform, and states have been challenged to keep pace with the exponential growth of serviceoriented enterprises, especially in the technology sector. This topic will discuss the various sourcing rules currently adopted by states and practical application to several common industries, including personal and professional services, technology, including cloudcomputing enterprises such as SoftwareasaService, and how to source revenues from the licensing or use of intangibles. We will also address some unique situations and what types of contemporaneous documentation are helpful in an audit.
Date: 2024-01-11 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:40 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to review how states apply the costofperformance or marketbased sourcing rules.
* You will be able to recognize the data needed to substantiate sourcing positions for financial statement purposes, state tax audits, and state tax compliance.
* You will be able to discuss the state income tax nexus implications arising from the application of the various sourcing rules.
* You will be able to identify common state income tax compliance faux pas and potential apportionment planning opportunities.