Untangling the Web: Leave Communications With Employees Under the FMLA and ADA (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408968EAU


Learn the ins and outs of the FMLA’s communications requirements and related ADA considerations.This topic will cover the necessary communications from employees to notify employers of the need for leave, leave changes, and leave status and from employers to address FMLA rights, notice, leave administration, and ADA reasonable accommodation considerations. Many employers routinely describe compliance with the FMLA as somewhat, or very difficult, with respect to communications requirements and proper documentation, especially when ADA issues overlap. This topic will review communications requirements at each stage of the FMLA process, and how the ADA may add to and complicate the analysis and communications needed. The material will include how to evaluate and improve FMLA and related ADA policies and practices to meet communications requirements and current practices.

Date: 2021-08-12 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

• Brief Overview of FMLA and Communications Requirements
• Brief Overview of ADA Considerations

Communications Regarding
• FMLA Eligibility, Policies, and Procedures
• Need for FMLA Leave
• Certification of FMLA Leave
• Requests to Take FMLA Leave
• Recertification and Renewal
• During FMLA Leave
• Medical Benefits During FMLA
• Requests to Take FMLA Leave

ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Christopher M. Cascino-Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C.