Using Social Media for Public Works and Utility Professionals (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405500EAU


Learn how to use social media to keep your community engaged and the steps required to build an effective social media policy.As a utility professional you are a person of service. You serve the citizens of your area to provide them with what we consider a basic right. Unfortunately in this age of social media those same citizens you serve may have lost their gratitude for the privileges you provide, often only engaging at the roughest moments, without worry because of the shelter and anonymity provided by social media. You may have even asked yourself why you would even bother with social media if it’s just an outlet for customer complaints. What if it could be used to mend the gap? To connect with the public, share your story as humans serving humans and to showcase the effort you put in to provide a service citizens seldom stop to think about, and the day by day operations it takes to keep their service running smoothly, the problems you solve and the people who solve them. This topic will unlock the process of planning a social media campaign to connect with your audience, grasp how to build purposeful content, monitor to improve your campaign and take control of your social media presence.

Date: 2019-05-16 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Create Your Plan in the Space Where Your Strengths and Assets Collide

Establishing Goals – How Will Social Media Benefit You?

Outlining Target Market

Which Social Networks Will You Use?


Setting up Your Page

Brainstorm Topics

Consider Your Mix

Determining Frequency for Brand Building Posts

Outline Your Process


Determine How You Will Monitor Success


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Monica Pitts-MayeCreate Design