Gain valuable information to ensure you are handling this complex subject correctly.During this topic, you will be presented with the different types of withholding and garnishments orders that an employer may receive. The laws that govern what you are required to do will be explored in addition to the costly mistakes that could happen when the laws are not followed.We will explore each of the types of orders to better understand the limits imposed on withholding, the remittance requirements and employee rights. Lastly, we will take a look at different scenarios such as multiple orders, employees who leave or have left the company and how to handle issues that may arise. This information is designed for those who are responsible for handling employee withholding and garnishment orders and find themselves unable to find the answers to important questions needed to remain in compliance. This topic will answer those tough questions of howto, whento and why. You will take away valuable information to ensure you are handling this complex subject correctly in their own payroll shops.
Date: 2020-11-20 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives