Warehouse Safety: Best Practices (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409102EAU


Learn about common sources of workplace injuries and illness for warehouse workers and how you can improve worker safety.Warehouses can be a dangerous place unless proper engineering, administrative, and workplace controls are in place. There are a lot of moving pieces, and there are many ways in which an incident can occur. However, warehouse safety is not necessarily a difficult undertaking. This topic will help you to understand how to identify potential hazards in the warehouse and mitigate potential incidents from happening. A variety of businesses have storage and warehouse areas within their facilities, and it is a vital piece to their operations. As such, warehouse safety is an important issue. Safety hazards and the risk of incidents can be mitigated with by properly assessing potential hazards in the warehouse and addressing those hazards proactively. This information will help you navigate the potential hazards in a warehouse and provide key tips on how to implement effective engineering, administrative, and workplace controls to avoid incidents and potential costly OSHA citations.

Date: 2021-08-09 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Material Handling
• Stacking and Storing Materials
• Conveyor Safety
• Guarding
• Lockout-Tagout
• Storage Rack Damage, Inspections and Maintenances
• Hazardous Materials

Powered Industrial Trucks
• Key Tips Regarding Forklift Operations Throughout a Warehouse
• Importance of Operator Training/Certification and Safety Audits
• Pedestrian Safety

Loading Dock Hazards
• Safety Issues Around Dock-Doors
• Use of Dock Plates
• Potential Noise Hazards
• Illumination
• Heat/Cold Stress

Walking Working Surfaces and Fall Hazards
• Floor Holes and Pits
• Slips, Trips, and Falls
• Housekeeping
• Marking Permanent Pedestrian and Pit Aisles

No Credit Available

Daniel C. Deacon-Conn Maciel Carey LLP, Aaron R. Gelb – Conn Maciel Carey LLP