Water Quality Issues Affecting Wastewater Treatment Plants (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405499EAU


Understand the multitude of water quality issues affecting wastewater treatment plants and the current and future impact of such issues.During the past year, new federal regulatory and policy initiatives, together with ongoing litigation in both the state and federal court systems, have impacted wastewater treatment plants. If you represent, advise or are employed by agencies or local government entities responsible for the management or operation of wastewater treatment plants, then you should review this information, which will highlight and discuss both the most pertinent issues facing wastewater treatment plants today and emerging issues which will undoubtedly face such plants in the future.

Date: 2019-04-29 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

United States Supreme Court’s Recent Decision to Address the Clean Water Act

Case Law

EPA’s New Policy Initiatives to Address Pfas

The Clean Water Rule and the Revised Definition of Waters of the United States (WOTUS)

The Federal Government’s Use of Consent Decrees for Environmental Matters

Integrated Municipal and Wastewater Planning

No Credit Available

Steven A. Hann, Esq.-Hamburg Rubin Mullin Maxwell & Lupin