What the Infrastructure Bill Has Planned for Public Transit (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409793EAU


Learn about the funding provided by the infrastructure act and how the funds are proposed to be distributed across the infrastructure systems.Learn about the magnitude of funding provided by the infrastructure act and how the funds are proposed to be distributed over the many categories of infrastructure systems. Learn how the Infrastructure Bill authorizes 33.5B for the Urbanized Area Formula Funding program (the program makes federal resources available to urbanized areas and governors for transit capital and operating assistance in urbanized areas and for transportationrelated planning). For eligible grantees, funding is made available to designated recipients that are public bodies with the legal authority to receive and dispense federal funds. Governors, responsible local officials, and publicly owned operators of transit services shall designate a recipient to apply for, receive, and dispense funds for urbanized areas. You will learn how the Act authorizes 8B for the Capital Investments Grants (CIG) Program. This FTA discretionary grant program provides funding for fixed guideway investments such as new and expanded rapid rail, commuter rail, light rail, streetcars, bus rapid transit, and ferries. It also provides funding for corridorbased bus rapid transit investments that emulate the features of rail.

Date: 2022-02-23 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Overview of the Infrastructure Bill Funding

Funding for Public Transit Included in the Infrastructure Bill

The Political Rationale for the Infrastructure Bill

Some Details of Public Transit Funding in the Infrastructure Bill

Questions and Answers

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J. Paul Guyer, P.E., R.A.-Guyer Partners