Who’s Your Boss? Techniques for Assisting Multiple Bosses (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409120EAU


Learn how to juggle supporting multiple managers with confidence and how to take control of situations that seem out of control.In this important and empowering topic you will walk away with ideas to create more congruity and peace among multiple bosses. Learn why assertiveness is not just important but invaluable to your bosses. Gain techniques for managing your bosses and learn how to key into and communicate better with different types of managers, supervisors, etc. You will learn how to overcome communication barriers and conflicts and even how to delegate to your boss. This material will help you learn how to communicate better with each boss the four types of bosses and what each one wants why bosses need you to be assertive and set boundaries when to delegate to your boss how to make bosses accountable and aware phrases that help break down communication barriers and lastly an overview on designing your life to fit your truest self.

Date: 2021-10-05 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Assertive Communication
• What Is Assertive vs. Passive vs. Aggressive?
• How to Be Assertive With Your Bosses
• When to Set Boundaries

Controlling Your Day
• How to Deal With Conflicting Bosses
• Making Bosses Aware of How You Spend Your Time
• Keeping Bosses in the Loop

Managing Your Bosses
• Identify Your Bosses’ Individual Type
• Communicate in Each Bosses’ Language
• Delegate to Your Boss

ASAP PACE ,IAAP ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Januarie Wood-UltraLifeSolutions, LLC