Gain a commonsense approach to treating the injured worker with comprehensive care to drive faster claim resolution.
This course will provide information on claims for properly handling psychological workplace injuries in workers compensation. The presenter will address numerous legal topics, including what psychological injuries can be claimed, psychological injuries connected to workplace accidents, benefits with psychological injuries cases, the roles of the workers compensation adjuster, nurse case manager, employer representative, and attorney, and several occupation case studies. This program will provide practical guidance, tactics, and tips that you can apply to your daily business in an effort to prevent problematic psychological injury issues from arising but also to manage these claims aggressively in the most costeffective manner possible. We will focus on mental health and psychosocial factors on claims for a commonsense approach to treating the injured worker with comprehensive care to drive faster claim resolution and positively impact both medical and indemnity claim costs.
Date: 2023-07-19 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to discuss the benefits with psychological injuries cases.
* You will be able to identify what psychological injuries can be claimed.
* You will be able to recognize practical tactics and tips to prevent problematic psychological injury issues from arising.
* You will be able to review the psychological injuries connected to workplace accidents.