Working With Passive-Aggressive Personalities (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408681EAU


Learn how best to leverage the energy and passion of passiveaggressive personalities to produce winwin results.Working with people can be like diffusing an explosive device. Everyone has the potential to blow if mishandled. When the natural tendency to be passive meets a strong desire for fairness or equity or the need to win or be right, the conditions become ripe for potential disaster. Handling passiveaggressive situations passively leads to enabling undesirable behavior. Confronting passiveaggressive people may set off a powder keg of emotion and resistance. This material will help you uncover the roots of passiveaggressive behavior, disarm the aggressor, open up the passivist, and move the conversation into the assertive zone even creating a longterm culture where communication is safe and productive.

Date: 2021-03-22 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Understanding the Passive-Aggressive Personality
• What Is Passive-Aggressive Behavior, and What Are the Signs?
• Who Tends to Have Passive-Aggressive Tendencies?
• What Are the Roots of the Passive-Aggressive Personality?

Responding Effectively in Passive-Aggressive Situations
• Listening Skills for Diagnosing the Real Issues
• Strategic Analysis Tool for Anticipating Potential Outcomes
• Checklist for Plotting the Best Course of Action at Lightning Speed

Producing a Win-Win Result in the Short Term While Cultivating Lasting Trust
• Maintain Composure and Buy Yourself Time to Effectively Engage
• Disarm the Survival Response to Circumvent Potential Emotional Encounters
• Separate the Person From the Problem to Confront Behavior While Preserving Self-Worth
• Create an Environment of Psychological Safety That Reduces the Need for Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Sherry Prindle-Professional Coach Academy