Year-End Tax Strategies for Construction Companies


SKU: 410992


Recognize issues that can affect the yearend tax planning process for construction contractors.
Many construction contractors are meeting with their accountants to discuss yearend tax planning issues. This topic will assist the owners and accounting personnel of construction companies with how to recognize issues that can affect the yearend planning process. This topic will also discuss recurring issues that construction contractors encounter including choice of entity and choice of accounting methods. In addition, a discussion of general sales tax issues will occur to help the construction contractors recognize issues that state sales tax auditors are targeting.

Date: 2023-12-05 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to describe how to choose the correct entity to use.

* You will be able to identify general sales tax issues.

* You will be able to discuss employee expense reimbursements.

* You will be able to review accounting methods.

Employee Expense Reimbursements
• Actual Expenses
• Per Diems

Choice of Entities
• Corporations
• Partnerships
• Limited Liability Companies
• Joint Ventures

Accounting Methods
• Code Section 460
• Retainage Receivables and Payables
• Section 263A
• When Is a Job Considered Closed

General Sales Tax Issues
• Time and Material V. Lump Sum Contracts
• Importing Materials From One State to Another
• Tax-Exempt Jobs

Current Tax Topics
• State Passthrough Entity Taxes
• Bonus Depreciation
• Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting

ENG ,CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Jolaine L. Hill, CPA-Katz, Sapper & Miller