Attorney’s Guide to Oil Field Drilling Terminology, Equipment and Operations

May 3rd, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

This live audio conference will help you have a better understanding of the terminology, drilling equipment, personnel and procedures used in oil field drilling operations which allow them to obtain the important information from interrogatories, production of documents, fact witnesses and expert witnesses.


Document Retention and Destruction: What Human Resource Professionals Must Know

May 16th, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

Correctly handling the documentation of employees is one of the most difficult and tedious tasks that human resources professionals need to perform for their organizations. Knowing the proper procedures to follow to document employees in the workplace is a key skill needed by most human resources professionals. This live audio conference will provide you with information on the key concepts and issues surrounding proper employee documentation and when to legally dispose of documentation.


IRS Guidelines for Governing Section 501(c)(3) Organizations

May 16th, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

This live audio conference will help you understand why Congress, the IRS and others insist that Section 501(c)(3) organizations implement the best practices in corporate governance. Michael Fine will discuss effective governance policies and procedures. He will help you understand how the redesigned Form 990’s questions implicate important governance principles. The program will describe the IRS guidelines for good governance and explain how your organization can take steps now to ensure compliance and to avoid scrutiny.


Implied Obligations in Construction Contracts

May 8th, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

When parties enter into construction or design contracts there may be numerous implied obligations that arise under law or in equity. These implied obligations should be carefully considered by owners, design professionals and contractors. These implied obligations apply to most construction and design contracts unless a specific contractual provision is provided in the contract that supersedes each implied obligation. During this live audio conference 12 implied obligations will be discussed.


Medical Records 101: Responding to Requests for Patient Information

May 7th  &  May 21st, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

Attend this live audio conference and receive an overview of medical management issues faced by health care providers in responding to requests for patient information for litigation purposes. The speaker has extensive experience in civil litigation, including the representation of large medical institutions and will provide guidance in avoiding mistakes in disseminating patient information. You will find out what you need to know about the extent of patient information disclosure, people and parties authorized to receive patient health information, and anticipated issues with electronic and computerized patient information. You will learn about the legal authority for release of patient information; electronic record pitfalls, including potential corporate liability issues in medical malpractice cases; HIPAA and submission of patient health information to third-parties; and heightened privacy protections for special medical information, including mental health, substance and child abuse records.

Customer Service

Customer Service Upselling: Best Practices to Capitalize on Every Call

May 16th, 2013
1:00 pm ET ( 12:00 pm CT, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT )

In this live audio conference, you will learn how to give your team the skills to strengthen existing customer relationships, to unearth new opportunities, sell with confidence, and close more business at higher margins.

You have a good service team in place. They’re smart, technically savvy, and good problem-solvers. However, trying to motivate them to turn a service call into a sales opportunity can be a struggle. You’ve coached them time and again to be more pro-active in seeking out new opportunities. Too often they push back. They tell you they don’t want to appear pushy, aggressive or sound ‘salesy’; hint: it’s not their role, or they claim they don’t have the time.